
Standard TV movie level film when it comes to its plot, which includes an obvious twist if you pay attention.

It overcomes this categorization thanks to good overall editing and very solid acting.

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Great compositions, amazing obscure photography and spot-on sound design, Hadžihalilović crafts a beautiful film.

But, equally, she seems lost story-wise. Mystery to surrealism, no clear conception is perceived.

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Wright leaves Raimi to embrace Argento.

Tremendous display of visual prowess with cool soundtrack and solid acting.

Sadly, some events are foreseeable but its good resolution makes up for it.

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Technically academic, but its steady hand along with the rest of elements of the film make it great.

Based on the story of Martin Bryant, it has superb performances with a deep, emotional and even funny script.

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Nice idea: feel good film on the world’s end with the youngest acting maturely while adults act childishly.

Meh execution: it forces too many jokes, and it has too many characters to care for them all.

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