L'Autre Laurens

2023 | Claude Schmitz

Title: L’Autre Laurens

Year: 2023

Running Time: 117′

Country: Belgium

Directed by: Claude Schmitz

Written by: Claude Schmitz and Kostia Testut

Starring: Olivier Rabourdin; Louise Leroy; Marc Barbé; Rodolphe Burger; Kate Moran; Francis Soetens; Tibo Vandenborre

© 2023 ChevalDeuxTrois / Wrong Men North.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 01 July 2023

Although having a well constructed mystery and atmosphere surrounding it, most of picturesque characters are not very attractive hurting the overall punch of the film.

This is especially due to the fact that the acting, excepting for the leads, is considerably weak.

The multilingual aspect of it (French, English and Spanish) does not help, as it makes the situations less credible and it even though they try to fake otherwise, you can easily spot that the performers do not actually know any other language other than their own.


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