
2022 | Carlota Pereda

Title: Cerdita

Year: 2022

Running Time: 99′

Country: Spain

Directed by: Carlota Pereda

Screenplay by: Carlota Pereda

Starring: Laura Galán; Richard Holmes; Carmen Machi; Irene Ferreiro; Camille Aguilar; Claudia Salas

© 2022 Morena Films, Cerdita, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA) and Triodos Bank.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 21 October 2022

One of the horror sensations of the year, the feature debut from Carlota Pereda is a perfectly paced movie jumping from drama and social criticism (with its depiction of bullying and fat-shaming, and its effects on the victims) to thriller to full horror.

Sara (Laura Galán) is a reserved and lonely girl who tries to enjoy the summer as unnoticed as possible. The reason: the continuous abuse and harassment she receives due to her weight and physical appearance, in particular from the group formed by Maca (Claudia Salas), Roci (Camille Aguilar) and Claudia (Irene Ferreiro), that give her the nickname “Cerdita” (“Piggy” in Spanish). One day the three girls mysteriously disappear and Sara is the only witness. Will she help them?

We start with this more bullying-centred set-up, which easily becomes the most uncomfortable, roughest, and despicable part of the movie, much above any of the more intentionally built-in horror and goriest scenes. Perfectly written and especially acted by an outstanding Laura Galán, you easily come to despise the perpetrators and feel sorry for Sara (Galán’s character).

Surrounding her, we have a fantastically casted family with Carmen Machi (Mother), Julián Valcárcel (Father) and Amets Otxoa (Brother). Their interactions, either in the car, the shop or at home (mainly in the living room while eating) are simply fantastic as each character presents a distinctive caring and loving approach towards Sara. The mother is the tough and a bit overprotective one, the father is the sensitive but also slightly detached one, while the brother well… he is the brother… so he will be a bit of a douche with her.

But, on the other hand, we can define the rest of characters as rather weak and underdeveloped, which ends up hurting the story quite a bit as several of those are quite important to the plot. The ones on top are the killer that starts murdering people in town and the group of youngsters that bully Sara. For the killer we do not know his overall drive or motivations (sometimes he seems like some sort of depraved vigilante and right after he just seems a complete psycho, maybe that is the point?) as well as his relationship with Sara seems underexploited and rushed. That same underdeveloped relational aspect hinders the relation between the bullies and Sara, seemingly unjustified or simplified at times. Other characters from the town also leave the impression of being underused at times, serving only a purpose of filler.

Otherwise, the film, as it has been mentioned, progresses pretty efficiently. A clear mind and steady hand are sensed at the wheel progressively building up the tension, horror, and goriness of the movie with success leaving us entertained and satisfied by the end.

All in all, an uncomfortable, violent and even funny at times film that although missing a bit the mark with the atmosphere in which our main protagonist finds herself, not as much for the sets (which are rather cool and engaging) but rather for a lacklustre set of characters (except the family) with whom to engage, still if maybe it would have benefit from having a slightly longer run time, it provides for a good and thrilling time at the movies.


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