
Darkly funny at times, its premise (a member of the Srpska army looks for the pardon of his first victim) and setting (a dating event) are quietly ingeniously put together.

Nevertheless the tension does not feel like it gets fully built and its climax seems underemphasised.

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Undisputedly masterful on a technical level (beautiful black and white photography, great sound department, sets that leave you in awe, and cool costumes) but underwhelming when it comes to content.

The script feels both pretentious and simplistic at the same time. There is a heavy use of rather weak metaphors, which try to push bland messages of homoeroticism, hierarchy and environmentalism.

At the same time, the film leaves you baffled and confused at times as you do not really know for sure how to react to what is happening to the screen.

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Besides some visual attractiveness as the attention put into the framing of the shots is clearly perceived, especially in those that try to create symmetries, the film never succeeds in fully grabbing your attention.

The pretended character study of the transexual Kristina falls short as the various themes (sexuality, religion, identity, and social acceptance) feel underdeveloped.

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