Hawar, Nos Enfants Bannis

2023 | Pascale Bourgaux

Title: Hawar, Nos Enfants Bannis

Year: 2023

Running Time: 75′

Country: Belgium and Switzerland

Directed by: Pascale Bourgaux

Written by: Pascale Bourgaux and Mohammad Shaikhow

© 2023 Iota Production.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 02 July 2023

Escaping the hell of ISIS captivity may not lead you to paradise if you are a Yazidi mother.

This pseudo road movie documentary splendidly shows the personal struggle of “Ana” while also inserting the reality of other Yazidi mothers and their children in the heart of their communities, refugee camps and orphanages.

Extremely tough but with a message full of hope underneath.


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