Le Syndrome des Amours Passées

2023 | Raphaël Balboni & Ann Sirot

Title: Le Syndrome des Amours Passées

Year: 2023

Running Time: 89′

Country: Belgium

Directed by: Raphaël Balboni and Ann Sirot

Written by: Raphaël Balboni and Ann Sirot

Starring: Ninon Borsei; Lucie Debay; Lazare Gousseau; Nora Hamzawi; Florence Janas; Florence Loiret Caille; Audrey Muller; Hervé Piron

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 28 June 2023

With an outrageous but hilarious premise and a perfect performance by Lazare Gousseau, this comedy mixes perfectly its humour with more artsy sequences.

Nonetheless its dramatic elements feel more empty and concludes in a too predictable way.


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