Licorice Pizza

2021 | Paul Thomas Anderson

Title: Licorice Pizza

Year: 2021

Running Time: 133′

Country: United States of America

Directed by: Paul Thomas Anderson

Screenplay by: Paul Thomas Anderson

Starring: Alana Haim; Cooper Hoffman; Sean Penn; Tom Waits; Will Angarola; Griff Giacchino

© 2021 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Focus Features, Bron Creative and Ghoulardi Film Company.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 05 March 2022

The latest feature from PTA presents the early stages of a love between a teen and a young adult through a heavily sub-plotted story set in 70’s Los Angeles.

It is precisely this very episodic nature of the film what makes the film most entertaining and engaging. We could divide the movie into 5 different chapters: meeting a child actor, the boom of waterbeds, the world of acting, the gas crisis, and lastly politics and the advent of pinball.

Through those, a wide array of picturesque characters give flavour to the film. High praise to John Michael Higgins and Bradley Cooper who, even though having a short amount of screen time, steal the show in every second that they occupy it.

Unfortunately, Alana Haim and Cooper Hoffman don’t convince as the young couple. It is not that they are bad, not the case at all, they have some good and fun moments but still the amount of chemistry that would be expected for the two main characters in such a story it simply isn’t there.

Technically, the movie is filled with various tracking shots, some so smooth that you don’t even notice, and some that you do notice but still are highly enjoyable.

Overall, a good movie more due to its overall wrap (plots, supporting cast, craftmanship) nicely tied with the ribbon of a well selected soundtrack, filled with classics from the time, rather than for the acting of the two main actors are a bit underwhelming.

Solid movie but PTA can, has done and I’m sure that he will do better.


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