Milano Calibro 9

1972 | Fernando di Leo

Title: Milano Calibro 9

Year: 1972

Running Time: 100′

Country: Italy

Directed by: Fernando Di Leo

Screenplay by: Fernando Di Leo

Starring: Gastone Moschin; Barbara Bouchet; Mario Adorf; Frank Wolff; Luigi Pistilli; Ivo Garrani

© 1972 Cineproduzioni Daunia 70.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 13 February 2022

With an amazing 5-minute start to the film, this poliziottesco classic directed by master of the genre Fernando Di Leo, grabs your complete attention from the very beginning until the “FINE”.

The film succeeds incredibly in keeping the intrigue and suspense around the protagonist true intentions, played to perfection by Gastone Moschin.

Truthfully, the entire cast is amazing in it. An obvious special mention goes to the great Mario Adorf, a more than familiar face in various poliziotteschi, but whose incredible talent allowed him to play the most variate type of characters (just in 1972 he would play a law abiding district attorney in La Polizia Ringrazia, a ruthless gangster here in Milano Calibro 9, and a small-time pimp in La Mala Ordina).

Another highlight of the film is the score. Born from the collaboration between classic movie composer Luis Enriquez Bacalov and prog-rock band Ossana, the result is a weird of both artists genres that suits the movie perfectly.

The only let-down to the story would be its slightly rushed ending and a bit underwhelming conclusion and final twist that leaves you a bit cold. It is not the worst of all times, but its just a sort of ok… moment.

Still, a very cool and clear example of the genre. Very engaging thanks to the acting of the main cast, a cool soundtrack, some funny and interesting shots and framing, and a solid story (that would even have been better if the end had come more progressively). In definitive a must see for any poliziotteschi fans.


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