Pett Kata Shaw

2022 | Nuhash Humayun

Title: Pett Kata Shaw

Year: 2022

Running Time: 110′

Country: Bangladesh

Directed by: Nuhash Humayun

Screenplay by: Nuhash Humayun

Starring: Chanchal Chowdhury; Sohel Mondol; Shirin Akter Shela; Afzal Hossain; Quazi Nawshaba Ahmed; Ekram Khan Emu

© 2022 Chorki, A For Action and Little Big Films.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 04 February 2023

Horror series repackaged as anthology.

It succeeds in evoking different genres and emotions (unsettling, suspense, spookiness, humour…).

But the result is uneven, some parts being way better than others.


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