Capsule Reviews

Irati (2022) – Capsule Review

Exceptional photography of the Navarran Pyrenees.

The great locations, score and gut-wrenching sound design make of this a great epic.

It also enjoys of quite good SFX.

The story is overall good, especially when it focuses more on its fantastic side.

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Sisu (2022) – Capsule Review

Brutal western-type of film set in WWII Finland.

Jorma Tommila is great in the Mad Max-inspired lead.

Its gradually increasing insanity makes the crazy final battle hysterical.

On the other hand, when the film focuses on other characters (especially the underdeveloped female ones) it loses steam.

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Apaches (2023) – Capsule Review

Visually enticing (great sets, costumes and cinematography), the film nails its “anachronistic Parisian Gangs of New York” style.

But, the story deflates drastically as it progresses to something quite unconvincing.

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