Tony Arzenta

1973 | Duccio Tessari

Title: Tony Arzenta

Year: 1973

Running Time: 95′

Country: Italy

Directed by: Duccio Tessari

Screenplay by: Ugo Liberatore, Franco Verucci and Roberto Gandus

Starring: Alain Delon; Richard Conte; Carla Gravina; Marc Porel; Roger Hanin; Nicoletta Machiavelli

© 1973 Mondial Televisione Film and Adel Productions.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 30 March 2022

This revenge poliziottesco lead by Alain Delon is the epitome of an “OK” film. Not much to root for and not much to bash about.

For the former, we could consider the action scenes as the highlight of the movie, especially the two car chases that are featured in it. Raw, realistic and without the taint of any supposed to be thrilling music, which its use in many movies goes actually in detriment to the true thrill and emotion of just hearing the engines roaring and living environment, those chases are undoubtedly the high point of the film.

On the other hand, when it comes to the lows, we have the set of villains. They don’t seem neither fearful nor intelligent enough to be perceived as a real threat to our protagonist nor to give us any real excitement while they are on screen. The sole exception is three ruthless and coked-up lower-level thugs that take the screen by storm for a few minutes, but still even if they succeed in carrying out some of the missing excitement, they are still not the brightest bunch. Anyway, this lack of real danger and personification of it, considering the nature of the story, very comprehensibly hinders the overall film.

But, once we have touched upon those couple of extreme points, in between we actually have all the rest. Acting, music, sets, shots… Everything we could consider it good enough, neither brilliant nor awful, and that is how it is with most of the different elements that conform the picture.

Even the plot itself, although having a very obvious structure, seen millions of times already, does well in keeping the tension in several scenes, especially in the two key ones: the one that triggers the chain of events and the ending of it all. Making the story, even if unsurprising still enjoyable.

All said, I wouldn’t precisely recommend watching this movie, it is not that it is a bad movie, not at all, and you might actually enjoy it or at least you will not feel like you have wasted your time after watching it, but in any case I really do not believe that it brings anything new to the table, making it quite an expendable film in that sense.


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