Tuya de hun shi

2006 | Quan'an Wang

Title: Tuya de hun shi

Year: 2006

Running Time: 86′

Country: China

Directed by: Quan’an Wang

Screenplay by: Wei Lu and Quan’an Wang

Starring: Nan Yu; Ba’toer; Sen’ge; Bao’lier; Bao’erku; Zhaya; Ting Ting Ren

© 2006 Maxyee Culture Industry and Xian Motion Picture Company.

Review by Guifré Margarit i Contel | 27 March 2022

Short and straight-to-the point film that goes by quickly just like a cold breeze in the Mongolian desert that overtakes the screen.

This tale of unfortunate but incredibly strong people, starting with Tuya (exceptionally played by Nan Yu), an overwhelmed and exhausted but restless mother and wife, Ba’toer, the physically incapacitated but caring father, and Sen’ge, the unfortunate but good-natured neighbour, warm us throughout the coldness of the landscape.

Landscape such incredibly photographed that it easily swallows you to be an active participant of the surroundings in which the story takes place. Its vastness, voidness, dustiness and cold are deeply felt all throughout the movie just as if you would be living in there.

All that is accompanied by an excellently fitting score that connects perfectly to both the visual and plot elements of the film, making its development even more smoother and soothing.

In conclusion, still even if the story it is definitely quite simple and also unsurprising, its good acting, characters and atmosphere make up for it, making it an enjoyable little movie that will keep you hook from start to end.


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