Capsule Reviews

Dorota Pomykała does a tremendous mammoth work in the lead role. Her interpretation as the greatly depressed Mira is astonishing.

But precisely is this depression that it feels like it could have been the sole motive without need of further explanation. The financial reasoning, although coherent, feels unnecessary and overly prominent.

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The film perfectly presents a multiplicity of themes and genres such as: family drama, romance, crime, social drama, and even sport).

The fantastic chemistry between the two lead actors playing the brothers and the thrilling rhythm of the movie all throughout glues it all splendidly together.

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Slow paced and quiet movie that prioritises its great visual elements.

On the other hand, its story is uneven. Starting with a weak romance, the film spurs more interest in its second half after a key dramatic turn of events.

The reaction from the protagonists is quite theatrical but nonetheless its rebelliousness provides a comforting finale.

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