Latest Reviews

The Hitcher (1986) – Film Review

What if Mad Max was the bad guy?

Rutger Hauer excels in his portrayal of this mysterious, ruthless and sadistic psycho-killing machine that will truly scare you to death, bringing to the extreme the usual stereotype of “do not pick-up any hitch-hikers”.

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Z (1969) – Film Review

Based on the true events around the death of Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis, Costa-Gavras excels presenting its viewers the inner intricacies of a proto-fascist and military state, and how these institutions try to hold onto power while keeping at bay any sort of opposing views in order to maintain the status-quo.

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La vie de Jésus (1997) – Film Review

Bruno Dumont portrays fantastically a group of five friends in northern rural France who are a bunch of imbeciles, while completely fooling us at the beginning of the film making us believe that we were in front of your typical group of innocent and trickster misfits that you come to love and care for and not in fact a group of guys that you end up to despising.

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